This is our "what's where" overview and "grand central" locator.
Red squares are the major topics linked from the Home page (we call it the Index page). They appear here in about the same order as in the Index, with their individual contents also itemized. Comments in parentheses are annotations. Every link has somewhere to go. Within product sections you'll find many further highlight pages linked from individual products. Those are too numerous to list here.
Gamepuzzles defined (linked from masthead)
The Fast Lane (quick overview for first-time visitors)
Gallery Showroom (link to Product Index)
The Puzzle Parlor play online (sorry, temporarily inactive)
The Life of Games an exploratory journal
The Caranza Collection (the music of Meistersinger, Patric Hale)
Coloring Book art you paint (interactive meta-graphics)
Emmy-winning Video (4-minute segment from Maryland Public Television)
Children's Stories (illustrated)
New stuff (as of latest revision date)
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (and the answers)
Site features
How to order
Site Map (you are here)
Who we are, what we do (2 pages)
- The People
....Kate Jones, an authorized biography
Retrospective 2014 (PowerPoint)
The Golden Jubilee 2020
....Dick Jones, Chairman of the Board
....Longtime helpers
Eric Bare, artwork
Eric Bare, poems
Eric Bare, wedding
Eric Bare, wedding souvenir
Eric Bare, in memoriam
Snows of 2006
Blizzards of 2010
Blizzard of 2016
- The Philosophy
- Product Line
- Logo
- Trademarks
- Licensing
- Marketing
- Manufacturing
....Acrylic colors: opaque,
frosted mirror, marbled
....Our favorite suppliers (with links or data)
- Awards we've bestowed
....Gamepuzzles Annual Pentomino Excellence award
The 2004 award
The 2005 award
The 2006 award
The 2007 award
The 2008 award
The 2009 award
The 2010 award
The 2011 award
The 2012 award
The 2013 award
The 2014 award
The 2015 award
The 2016 award
The 2017 award
The 2018 award
The 2019 award
....Gamepuzzles Originality, Perseverance and Leadership Salute
The 2005 salute
The 2009 salute
The 2015 salute
The 2018 salute
The 2021 salute
....Competition Prizes
50th Pentomino Challenge
The Ten-Yen 3-Layer Problem
Doris Championship 2012
Doris Championship 2013
Doris Championship 2014
Doris Championship 2015
Doris Championship 2016
Doris Championship 2017
Doris Championship 2018
Doris Championship 2019
....Special Awards
50th Anniversary, Kathe Wohlfahrt
35th Anniversary, Maryland Renaissance Festival
40th Anniversary, Maryland Renaissance Festival
- Prizes, honors and awards we've won
....Caribbean Cruise with AGPC, 2010
...."Symmetrical Pentomino Pairs" (5-page journal article, 2015)
....Apollo Award 2017 (aesthetic category for MiniMatch-I)
....Archimedes Award 2018 (first place for Ochominoes)
....Archimedes Award 2019 (first place for StarHex-I)
- International Puzzle Parties, since 1983
....International Puzzle Party, Belgium, 2002
....International Puzzle Party, Helsinki, 2005
....International Puzzle Party, Boston, 2006 (2 pages)
Boston T-Party Puzzle
....International Puzzle Party, Australia, 2007
Australian Adventure
....International Puzzle Party, Prague, 2008
Prague Summer
The Prague Czecherboard Puzzle
....International Puzzle Party, San Francisco, 2009
Travelogue (8000-mile drive) (3 pages)
The Lombard Loops Puzzle
....International Puzzle Party, Berlin, 2011
The Berlin Wall Puzzle
....International Puzzle Party, Washington DC, 2012
The Liberty Cubes Puzzle
....International Puzzle Party, London, 2014
Escape the Plague
....International Puzzle Party, Ottawa, Canada, 2015
Maple Leaf Rag
....International Puzzle Party, Paris, France, 2017
Let them eat cake
....International Puzzle Party, San Diego, California, 2018
Gathering for Gardner, Atlanta, since 1994
....G4G7, 2006
G = 7
7 x 7 = 7
Magic Heptominoes
Raymond Smullyan and friends
....G4G8, 2008
"Philosophy Revisited: 8 Great Memes" (.pdf file, 434K)
The Octo Clock
Magic '8'
The Octo Maze
The Dome Ascent
....G4G9, 2010
"Nine Fine Lines of Thought"
The Three-Squared Challenge
The Star-9 Challenge
....G4GX, 2012
"Ten powerful thoughts iambically defined"
"Ten powerful thoughts..." (.ppt file, 373K)
Bowtiescut out 10 pieces and play (.pdf, 199K)
....G4G11, 2014
"11 Unexpected Parallels"
2013 Gamepuzzles Annual Pentomino Excellence award
GAPE 2013 puzzle pieces, cut out and play (.pdf, 97K)
11 Magic Cubescut out and play (.pdf, 150K)
....G4G12, 2016
"Twelveness, a Fib verse" (PowerPoint)
Twelveness, a Fib verse (text only)
Twelveness, a Fib verse (text and pictures)
Renaissance catalog
....G4G13, 2018
"Lucky 13 presentation" (PowerPoint, visuals only)
Lucky 13 poem (text only)
Lucky 13 brochure (20 pages, text and pictures)
....G4G14, 2020 (postponed to 2021, virtual events)
G4G fundraiser video (6 minutes, voice-over and pictures)
- Celebrations of Mind
....October 21, 2012 (.pdf file, 428K)
....October 20, 2013
"Martin" name puzzle, cut out and play (.pdf, 223K)
....Gardner Centennial, October 19, 2014
"100" Latin Square, cut out and play (.pdf, 269K)
....October 24-25, 2015
About Martin
BuzzBears spinners 2015
....October 22-23, 2016
Twelveness (text only)
BuzzBears spinners 2016
....October 21-22, 2017
"Dissection Puzzles: The Art of Combinatorics"
....October 20-21, 2018
"When are you?" (time travel tales)
....October 19-20, 2019
"25 Cakes Challenge" (pentomino/sudoku puzzle)
....October 21, 2020
"Martin Gardner Word Puzzle and Symmetry Challenge"
"A Periodic Table of Polyform Puzzles"
....March 21, 2021
"A Periodic Table of Polyform Puzzles" (G4G YouTube)
- Bridges Conferences
....2015, University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
"Singularity to Infinity" (poem)
....2016, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
"Twelveness" (Fibonacci verse)
....2017, University of Waterloo, Canada
"Stomachion, the Quest" (poem)
"The Surprising Versatility of Edge-Matching Sets" (presentation)
....2017, JMM, Atlanta, GA
"Love Mathematics" (Fibonacci verse)
....2019, JMM, Baltimore, MD
"Math Limericks"
....2019, Bridges, Linz, Austria
Conference exhibit, talk, and Family Day
"The Surprising Symmetrical Pairs of Ochominoes" (presentation text)
"The Surprising Symmetrical Pairs of Ochominoes" (illustrations)
....2020, Bridges, virtual conference online
"The Playable Art of Kate Jones" (online conference archival showcase)
- Praise and fanmail
- In the media
....Interview with Kate Jones, 2005
....Interview with Kate Jones, 2019
....Interview with Kate Jones, 2020 (pages 4-7)
....Video of Kate Jones on 40th Anniversary of Rubik's Cube (20:12-26:12)
....Video by Kate Jones for G4G Fundraiser, October 2020
....Video by Kate Jones, "A Periodic Table of Polyform Puzzles" for G4G, 2021
....Video by Kate Jones, "Sweet Symmetries" at Symmetry Festival 2021
....Video by Kate Jones, "StarHex-14" at G4G14, Atlanta 2022,
and Bridges 2022, Aalto, Finland
- The future
- Contact us
Show Schedule
- Where to see us
(with links to event organizers)
- Our new tent
....Our retired wood booth
- Our new van
- U.S. Map* puzzle
- Hold On! (poem)
- Cold Spell (poem)
- Battling the Wind (poem)
- Amish Acres, 2012 (photos)
- Wayzata Disastah (poem)
- The Fourth River (poem)
- Maryland Renaissance Festival's 35th Anniversary
- Maryland Renaissance Festival's 25th Anniversary
- 50th Anniversary puzzle for Three Rivers Arts Festival
- 40th Anniversary puzzle for Syracuse Arts and Crafts Festival
- Sudoku/sliding block puzzle honoring our Cleveland shows
- Sudoku/sliding block puzzle for 10th Annual Berkshires Art Festival, 2011
- Sudoku/sliding block puzzle designed for North Michigan Avenue's 20th annual art festival, 2011
- Sudoku/sliding block puzzle for Wyandotte's 50th Street Art Fair, 2011
- 30th Anniversary puzzle for Verona, NJ, Annual Fine Art and Crafts Festival, 2015
- 30th Anniversary puzzle for CHAP homeschooling convention, 2016
- 50th Anniversary of Artsfest of Greater Harrisburg, 2017
- 30th Anniversary of Brookdale, NJ, Fine Art and Crafts Festival, 2018
- 45th Anniversary of Greensboro Craftsmen's Christmas Classic, 2018
- Artist's Statement, "The playable art of Kate Jones"
Resources (links to other good stuff)
Our honorary Mascot
Mini-Quiz (with hidden answer)
Animated flip version of our 24-page Print Catalog
24-page Print Catalog (downloadable .pdf files)
Maryland Renaissance Festival (tour Ye Olde Gamery)
Grand Tour (start here to loop through the entire gamepuzzles gallery)
- First stop is the "Hottest Sellers" section
- Scroll down or click "Next" buttons to advance down each page
- Click on portals or "Continue" buttons at each section bottom to visit the next section
- (Psstfind a secret button to play a different kind of Grand Tour puzzle)
We belong (links to service organizations and web rings)
Contact us
Search us (thumbnail galleries or showcases of gamepuzzles indexed by type)
- Index types
Alphabetical listing (no pictures)
Indexed by price (no pictures)
....Gift Certificates
....Special or Limited Editions
....Oversize Package Surcharge
....Undersize Package Discount
....A statement of policy
Date of first publication, alphabetical (no pictures)
Chronology of publication (no pictures, no links)
....Historical notes, 1982, "The first wave of growth"
....Historical notes, 1983, "The lesson of quality"
....Historical notes, 1984, "Some things old, some things new"
....Historical notes, 1985, "Guests and clones"
....Historical notes, 1986, "Thinking big... and bigger"
....Historical notes, 1987, "Growing three ways"
....Historical notes, 1988, "Compounding complexity"
....Historical notes, 1989, "Grand visions"
....Historical notes, 1990, "Herculean heights"
....Historical notes, 1991, "Happy marriages"
....Historical notes, 1992, "Diamonds forever"
....Historical notes, 1993, "Opulence of acrylic and wood"
....Historical notes, 1994, "Angles, gold and gala"
....Historical notes, 1995, "Tilting towards tilings"
....Historical notes, 1996, "Gorgeous geometrics"
....Historical notes, 1997, "Big and little"
Archives of our history (no pictures)
Site Map (no pictures) you are here
Search Index indexed by type (no pictures)
....Word Pingpong 25th Anniversary index (no pictures)
Print catalog index (no pictures)
- The mostest
Newest releases
Our 25 greatest hits (25th Anniversary list)
Hottest sellers
Games Magazine selects
- For the people
For youngest players (age 3-8)
The hardest ones (teen-adult)
For the visually impaired
For 3 or more players
Homeschooler resources
Gift certificates
Replacement parts
- Special editions
Treasured oldiesout-of-print goodies return
Collectors' editions, signed and numbered
Limited editions, vanishing species
Bearlin Variations
Boston T-Party puzzle
Cubic Rube
Escape the Plague maze puzzle
Jacques Ferroul's Poly-Spidrons
Jacques Ferroul's Stelo
Jacques Ferroul's Tetrapentos and Pocket Tetrapentos
Erich Friedman's meta-dissection Partridge Puzzles
Erich Friedman's Rolling-Block Maze
Grand Multimatch I
Hexagonal board, order-8, vinyl
Hex board, order-14, wood
Kolossal Pyramid, 25th Anniversary edition (in 2011 only)
Let them eat cake, pentomino sudoku puzzle
Logo puzzles, custom-designed
....20th anniversary logo puzzle, Kadon
....25th anniversary logo puzzle, Kadon
....25th anniversary puzzle, Md. Renaissance Festival
....30th anniversary puzzle, Kadon
....30th anniversary puzzle, Verona
....35th anniversary puzzle, Kadon
....40th anniversary puzzle, Syracuse
....40th anniversary puzzle, Carolina Craftsmen
....40th anniversary puzzle, Maryland Renaissance Festival
....50th anniversary puzzle, Pittsburgh
....50th anniversary puzzle, Harrisburg
....SIAM 50th anniversary logo puzzle
....Double Entendre word puzzle
Lombard Loops build a path
Maple Leaf Rag, Canadian dissection puzzle
Memory Bank 40-year commemorative archival sets
Ed Pegg Jr.'s 37-Squares puzzle
Ed Pegg Jr.'s Octiamond Stack
Henri Picciotto's Polyarcs puzzle
Quintachex inlaid wood chessboard
Round Tuits, deluxe decorator art
Spin-a-Spell Halloween Twirlers
Specialty bears
....BuzzBears Dexterity Spinners
....Twirl-a-Spell Maya No-End Disks
Surprising Pyramid
Volcano Boards, Looney Labs' BIG sizes
Zdravko Zivkovic Collection
- Unique attributes
Three-dimensional games and puzzles
Tic-tac-to themes...lining them up
Games and puzzles made of wood
Pocket puzzles
What you can buy for $25
- Mainly games, mainly puzzles
Abstract strategy games
Historical games (real and fictitious)
Puzzles, only puzzles
- Classic combinatorials
Edgematching by color or shape
Pentagonal tilings (Penrose, etc.)
Polyforms (all the standards plus a few fancies)
Polyominoes and polycubes
- Artistry
The Rusticana Collection (mixed-media art pieces)
Tactile Graphics (larger art pieces)
Tilings and designs (tessellations)
Kaleido-Matrix gameboards (gorgeous grids)
Flashes of Life (book of photos and verse)
- Our other domain names
Archives of our history
- Chronology of publication
- Date of first publication, alphabetical
- Who we are, what we do
- Introduction to Polyominoes (background and history)
- Awards we've bestowed
- Awards we've won
- International Puzzle Parties (puzzle designs and travelogues)
- Gatherings for Gardner (and contributions)
- 20th Anniversary Logo Puzzle (2000)
- 25th Anniversary Logo Puzzle (2005)
- A Quarter-Century Retrospective (1980-2005)
- 25th Anniversary Celebration index (with 25 special artifacts)
- 30th Anniversary Commemorative Puzzle (2009-2010)
- 30th Anniversary Party (2010)
- Maya End-of-World Survival Party (2012)
- International Pi Day, 3.141592653... (March 14, 2015, 9:26AM)
- 35th Anniversary Commemorative Puzzle (2014-2015)
- 35th Anniversary"Party of the Century" (2014)
- 40th Anniversary "XL" Pasadena Party (2019)
- Annual Newsletter, 2009
- Annual Newsletter, 2010
- Annual Newsletter, 2011
- Annual Newsletter, 2012
- Annual Newsletter, 2013
- Annual Newsletter, 2014
- Annual Newsletter, 2015
- Annual Newsletter, 2016
- Annual Newsletter, 2017
- Annual Newsletter, 2019
- Annual Newsletter, 2020
- Annual Newsletter, 2021
- New Year message 1, 2011
- New Year message 1, 2012
- New Year message 1, 2014
- New Year message 1, 2015
- New Year message 1, 2016
- New Year message 1, 2017
- New Year message 1, 2018
- New Year message 1, 2019
- New Year message 1, 2020
- New Year message 1, 2021
- New Year message 1, 2022
- New Year message 1, 2023
- New Year message 2 (seasonal)
- New Year message 3, 2011
- New Year message 3, 2012
- New Year message 3, 2013
- New Year message 3, 2014
- New Year message 3, 2015
- New Year message 3, 2016
- New Year message 3, 2017
- New Year message 3, 2018
- New Year message 3, 2019
- New Year message 3, 2020
- New Year message 3, 2021
- New Year message 3, 2022
- New Year message 3, 2023
- New Year message 3, 2024
- Chronology of Renaissance Festival posters, 2020-2021
- Chronology of email flyers, 2020-2021
- Chronology of social media posts, 2021
- Archive of limited-edition offers
Our Facebook page
Kate's blogs
Email us hot button (with email link)
(Copyright notice, technical comments)
(Our other domain names)
Our Great Array (linked thumbnails of all our productskeep scrolling right)