Our industry salute, 2021 — to Looney Labs, Inc.


Photos by Sue Bare

In 2021, for the 25th anniversary of the founding of Looney Labs, Inc., Kate Jones, president of Kadon Enterprises, Inc., designed a special award—a silver platform with 25 colorful convertible pyramids, commemorating Looney Labs' original product, Icehouse, that morphed over the years into countless other variations for pyramid play. Here is Kate with Looney Labs' awesomely creative and hard-working principals, Andy Looney and Kristin Looney, on the deck of their home, viewing their award as it glows in the sunlight.

This year we also bestowed upon Looney Labs our occasional industry award—the Gamepuzzles Originality, Perseverance and Leadership Salute—in recognition of extraordinary merit in the gaming world. This is the second time the award was given to the same company. We are delighted to dedicate this award in 2021 to Looney Labs, Inc., for their quarter century of creating a whole new culture of vibrant gameplay with their dozens of innovations for group entertainment. See their website for the entire line-up of their brilliant creations. Here's their certificate.

We wish the Looneys many more years of creative endeavor and success as an independent game company, and a permanent place of honor in the history of game design.

"Looney Labs", "Icehouse", the Looney logo, and all other images
and information about their work are proprietary trademarks
and the intellectual property of Looney Labs.
"Gamepuzzles" is a registered trademark
of Kadon Enterprises, Inc.

Who We Are 2009 Award

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