Ordering page for:   Henri Picciotto's "Polyarcs"

These puzzles are made by special order. You can request your preferred color from our palette of transparent colors. The Lucite cut edges make it easy to see the division between the individual pieces, bringing out their graceful lines.

A polyarc is a curvy shape created by drawing an arc through a square between two opposite corners, using one of its corners as the center, with a radius equal to the length of one side of the square. Thus an arc divides a square into a convex and a concave segment (shown at right). The rectangular tray above contains the 29 polyarc shapes of orders 2 and 3, with convex and concave arcs joined every which way. Read more about them on Henri's website. About 5x7" tray. Suitable for complex thinkers, teen to adult.     $39

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Polyarcs is a trademark of Henri Picciotto, used by Kadon by permission.

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