After a couple of years of introducing mainly intricate polyform mosaics, in 1998 we produced two fine new wooden gameboards, each with multiple game themes and solitaires, invented by friends and associates whose ideas fit so beautifully into our vision of excellence. This year also saw the release of two puzzle sets a very complex one and a very dreamy one.
The original version of Gallop we had introduced in 1991 in a handsome acrylic form. Its inventor, Christopher Clark, then took up woodworking as a hobby and produced this magnificent wooden board, highly polished, with 14 coats of polyurethane and precision-drawn gridlines and trim. The board even has feet. Chris also found a supply of classic horses (like knights in chess) in blond and dark wood. Playing on this board is an elegant treat. When we added Chris' fifth game, Sidle, in 2001, Games Magazine chose it for their "Games 100" list for 2002.
Postscript: It is with a heavy heart
that we learned of the passing of our dear friend Christopher Clark in November 2021. We will continue to make his fine, award-winning game as best as our loving skills allow.
 Iamond HexTM
We'd been exploring polyform puzzles for a few years now, including the polyiamonds made of equilateral triangles from sizes 1 to 7see our Iamond Ring, fearlessly published in 1987. This large, complex set with a massive collection of challenges accumulated from decades of research contained a subset with its own attraction for the most difficulty with the fewest pieces (not for young kids). The 12 hexiamonds, in their compact symmetry, became a stand-alone set in 1998 as Iamond Hex, irresistible ever since. Some of the world's top puzzle experts, using computer programs, found intriguing results, and in 2013 we published an updated booklet with a wealth of new discoveries. In this anniversary year, we offer Iamond Hex in either black or silver-framed tray.
Power of TwoTM
The first of our handcrafted and laser-engraved wooden gameboards, Power of Two was invented by Arthur Blumberg, a game-loving inventor, computer wizard, and decades-long friend. The beautiful kaleidoscope-like board design turned the game into art, and it started a new theme in our product line. Games Magazine selected Power of Two for their 100 best games list for 2000, a millennial triumph. And it has been one of our bestsellers since its introduction, its excellence always admired. And it inspired Arthur to create several other beautiful games through the years. Those stories will be told later.
When mathematician Marc Pelletier showed us a version of this set with magnetic tiles that he had produced (Fractiles-7) and the countless intricate patterns the pieces could form, and that it had seven-fold symmetry, it was love at first sight. Kate immediately visualized how the set would look in the Kadon style of transparent acrylic in a 14-sided framed tray to display as a work of art. Getting a license to produce the set with 84 rhombus shapes in three sizes, we named and created RhombStar-7 in the color scheme that was Marc's first choice. We have not changed it in a quarter century.
Postscript: It was with a heavy heart that we learned that Marc had died on November 6, 2017, at the age of 59. He is not forgotten. He left a legacy of mathematical discoveries that will last forever. More about Marc Pelletier...
A Quarter-Century Retrospective (1980-2005)
1982-2007: The first wave of growth
1983-2008: The lesson of quality
1984-2009: Some things old, some things new
1985-2010: Guests and clones
1986-2011: Thinking big... and bigger
1987-2012: Growing three ways
1988-2013: Compounding complexity
1989-2014: Grand visions
1990-2015: Herculean heights
1991-2016: Happy marriages
1992-2017: Diamonds forever
1993-2018: Opulence in acrylic and wood
1994-2019: Angles, gold and gala
1995-2020: Tilting towards tilings
1996-2021: Gorgeous geometrics
1997-2022: Big and little
You are here:
1998-2023: Boards and beauties
1999-2024: Finding kindred spirits
2000-2025: Largest to smallest