The Fine-TouchTM Collection
This group of puzzles is adapted from our popular Multimatch series, transformed to have contours instead of colors on the edges or corners of the tiles. While they are striking-looking and suitable for all players ages 10 and up, they are designed to be especially useful for visually impaired or blind players, who can exercise their fine touch to match shaped tiles around interestingly shaped spaces. Mental visualization makes these puzzles an excellent challenge and pleasure, because every tile is a unique form, no two alike yet representing all possible combinations.
We offer four designs. Please scroll down to view them and to order. Each is available in black or white acrylic, with contrasting background. The two square sets have 8½" trays, and the triangular trays are 12" on a side. The tiles are a comfortable size for handling, with very distinctive edge characteristics. Each set also contains one solid tile for measuring and comparison.
Illustrated workbooks from the corresponding Multimatch models accompany each set, providing continuous fun with multiple goals. If there is sufficient demand, we will record spoken instructions as well.
MultiTouchTM I
...squares with edge contours
Notches on the sides of the square tiles create open spaces shaped like diamonds, circles and rectangles when two tiles match correctly. $59
MultiTouchTM II
...squares with corner contours
Notched corners of the square tiles create open spaces shaped like diamonds, circles and squares where 4 matching tiles meet. $59
MultiTouchTM III
...triangles with edge contours
Notches on sides of the triangular tiles create spaces shaped like rectangles, ovals, diamonds and stars where two matching tiles meet. $59
MultiTouchTM IV
...triangles with contoured corners
Notches along the tips of the triangular tiles create spaces shaped like stars, hexagons, webs and circles where six matching tiles meet. $59
Also recommended for "touch" solving:
(Not shown to scale; links open in new window.)

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