Our W Logo--click to see it dance

Fast Lane for first-time visitors
Our products presented by categories in the Product Index
Fanmail and praise from customers
Our YouTube channel--see our gamepuzzles videos
The Life of Games, an exploratory journal - why and how we play - articles, contests, puzzles.

Coloring Book of graphics you color online

Read three charming children's stories

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Shortcut to Google translation
Shortcut to Wikipedia Shortcut to dictionary

Click to go to Google site

Facebook--Kadon Gamepuzzles Universe--fan site

Now till Oct. 20....48th Annual Maryland Renaissance Festival!
#Heading--gamepuzzles. Click for brief introduction of what they are.

Kadon Enterprises, Inc., welcomes you to our online gallery of 273 games
and puzzles you can see and purchase here. Enchanting playthings in lasercut
acrylic and handcrafted wood, for minds of all ages. So beautiful, they're art.


A first ever in human history! A single shape (OneStone, "Ein-Stein") that will fill the infinite plane with only a non-periodic pattern. Discovered and named "Spectre" by Dave Smith in 2023 to world-wide excitement, a math marvel of the golden ratio. Read all about it ... and order here.
  • Click the gamepuzzles title above for a quick introduction.
  • Click Flip catalog to flip through the pages of our virtual printed catalog.
  • For a surprising animation, click on our yellow W logo above.
  • Click Gallery Showroom to visit sections in any order.
  • Click Grand Tour for full circuit of all sections, using NEXT buttons.
Our latest news, announcements, releases
Frequently Asked Questions
Site features - includes definition of all our hotlinks icons
How to order
Site map
Who we are, what we do
Show schedule - where to see us at art fairs and conventions
Resources (links to other good stuff)
Our honorary mascot, a puppy named Kadon
Links to contests we sponsor
Try this mini-quiz for fame and fun

Download our 24-page print catalog
Pics and stories of Ye Olde Gamery, our pavilion at Maryland Renaissance Festival
Entrance to Grand Tour of all product sections, starting with Hottest Sellers
Links to Internet Service Organizations we belong to and support
How to contact us, via email, mail, phone, fax, shows, online
Links to thumbnail galleries of our products by type or topic
Index of our historical pages

NOW ALSO ON Click to visit Kadon's Facebook page and 'like' us

Click to visit Kadon's Instagram page and 'like' us

Click to visit Kadon's Twitter page and 'like' us

A sampling of our gamepuzzles. Please visit the individual showrooms to see them all. Click thumbnails for larger views. Scroll down for more... (not shown to scale)


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This entire Website © 1998-2024 Kadon Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.
This is a no-frills site: No cookies, no banners, no frames, no hype.
Updated 8-10-2024

Index of our historical pages
Our annual Christmas newsletter and recap of the year

Product  Index

Our gamepuzzles are grouped by type. Click on captions below to visit the individual showrooms. T buttons open a thumbnail overview of their section. For brief topic descriptions, click on their question marks. This menu is built on three pentominoes. A miniature icon of this layout links here from other pages. (What's a pentomino?)

We accept PayPal--make payable to kadon@gamepuzzles.com

Fanmail and praise from customers

Our YouTube channel--see our gamepuzzles videos

Boardgames, brainteasers, historical games, larger art pieces... Click thumbnails for larger views.