- 25th Anniversary, 2001
- 50th Anniversary, 2009
- a+d+d+d, 2010
- Amazons*, 1994
- Arc Angles, 2005
- Archimedes' Square, 2003
- Bear Hugs, 2000
- Bear Hugs Jr., 2001
- Birds and Bees, 2021
- Boats, 2003
- Boston T-Party, 2006
- Bowties, 2009
- Brace, 1996
- BuzzBears, 2015
- Chasing Squares, 2013
- ChooChooLoops, 2009
- Chunky-Octs, 2022
- Collidescape, 1994
- Colormaze (original), 1984
- Colormaze (Flying Colors), 2001
- Colormaze deluxe wood board, 2009
- Color Up*, 2001
- Combinatorix, 1989
- Combinatorix Jr., 2006
- Cookie Jar, 2018
- The Crab, 2023
- Cube Brick*, 2001 (sold out 2008)
- Cubits, 1999
- Dazzle, 2008
- Deka-Mosaik, 1995
- Deka-Star, 1994
- Dezign-8, 2000
- Diamond Rainbow, 1996
- Diamond Star, 2007
- Doris, 2008
- Dual Quintachex, 1994
- End Point, 2000
- Escape the Plague, 2014
- Fill-Agree, 1996
- Flashes of Life (book), 2010
- The Four Horses of the Epic Ellipse, 2018
- Four on a Match, 2003
- Fox Blox, 2007
- Fractured Fives, 1986 (cardboard), 1996 (paper), 2011 (wood)
- Friedman's Partridge Puzzles, 2003-2020
- Friedman's Rolling-Block Maze, 2002
- Gallop, acrylic, 1991; wood, 1998
- Gallop, Sidle supplement, 2001
- Game of the Dragon/Hnefatafl, 2021
- Game of the Goose**
Game of the Labyrinth,
wood, 1987; canvas, 1994
- Game of Solomon, 1985
- Game of Y, 1993
- Garden Patch, 2024
- Gemstones, 2007
- Grand Bowties, 2012
- Grand Roundominoes, 1997
- Grand Snowflake, 1999
- Grand Tans, in tray, 1982; in bag, 1987
- Handy-Tans, 2019
- Handy-Octs, 2021
- Harrybourne Shape Puzzler, 2022
- Heptominoes**, 1986
- Hexacube, 1986
- Hexdominoes, 2009
- Hexmozaix Jr.,1992
- Hexmozaix , 1987
- Hexmozaix II, 1988
- Hexmozaix gallery, 1989
- Hexnut Jr., 1995
- Hexnut, 1987
- Hexnut II, 1996
- Hex-Pave, 2019
- Hopscotch, 2011
- Iamond Hex, 1998
- Iamond Ring, 1987
- Icosa-Triad, 1988-2014
- Imago*, 1997-2017
- Intarsia, 2008
- Kaliko, 1991
- Kite-Mosaik, 1997
- Kolossal Pyramid, 1986-89; 2011-2
- L-Sixteen, 2013
- La Ora Stelo, 2008
- Leap, wood, 1982
- Leap, vinyl, 1987
- Leaves, 2003
- Lemma, 1985
- Lewis Carroll Wordgame, 1991
- LineDance, 2021
- Logo Puzzle, 2000
- Logo Puzzle 25, 2005
- Lombard Loops, 2009
- Lyn-Joy Marvel Primer, 2022
- Manoover, 2007
- Manoover Plus, 2008
- Marco Supernova Polyhex Primer, 2023
- Marshall Squares, 2006
- MemorIQ, 2010
- Memory Bank*, 1983-86; 2008-9; 2011
- Mini-Iamond Ring, 1996
- MiniMatch-I, 2015
- MiniMatch-II, 2002
- MiniTouch-I, 2016
- Moebius Pendant, 2021
- More or Less, 2003
- Multimatch I, cardboard, 1982;
acrylic, 1989
- Multimatch II, 1989
- Multimatch III, 1989
- Multimatch IV, 1990
- MultiTouch I, 2001
- MultiTouch II, 2001
- MultiTouch III, 2001
- MultiTouch IV, 2001
- Nine Men's Morris/Fox and Geese**, 1997
- Ochominoes, 2017
- Octiamond Ring, 1997
- Octiamond Stack, 2012
- Octiles, 1984; wood, 2009
- Octominoes**, 1989
- oneSTone (Spectre), 2023
- Oskar's Disks, acrylic, 1991/2001;
wood, 1993
- Over-Pass, 2001
- Pearl Fisher, 2008
- Penrose Diamonds, 1994
- Pen. Kites&Darts, 1994, 2004
- Penta-Mosaik, 2023
- Pentarose, 1996
- Pentomino puzzle necklace, 1985
- Pocket Loops, 2006-2014
- Pocket Loops, Kaleidoscopic, 2010-2014
- Pocket Loops, Mixed Bag, 2010-2013
- Pocket Pentominoes, 2005
- Pocket Pseudo-Coup, 2006-2009
- Pocket Quintachex, 2006
- Pocket Rhombs, 2005
- Pocket Star, 2005
- Pocket Tetrapentos, 2007
- Pocket Vees, 2006; 2007
- Poly-4, 1985 (supplement to Quintillions)
- Poly-5, 1986
- Poly-5 deluxe, 2016
- Polyarcs*, 1990
- Poly-Spidrons*, 2006; dual, 2009
- Power of Two, 1998
- Pretty Tilings, 2021
- Proteus, wood, 1982; vinyl, 1987
- Pseudo-Coup, custom, 2005; full, 2006
- Puzzling Pentagon, 1995
- Pyramid, Big*, 1984-1988
- Pyramid, Giant*, 1986-2017
- Pyramid, Perplexing*, 1986-2017
- Q-Bix, 2009
- Quadrants, 1993
- Quantum*, 1985
- Quintachex, diecut, 1982/1985;
acrylic, 1990
- Quintapaths, 1999
- Quintillions, 1980
- Quintillions Turntable, 1981
- Rainbow Rombix, 1994
- Renaissance playing cards**, 1987
- Rhom-Antics, 1994
- Rhombiominoes, 1990
- Rhombi JR., 2023
- Rhominoes, 2006
- RhombStar-7, 1998
- Rolling-Block Maze, 2002
- Robert's T Party, 2025
- Rombix, 1992
- Rombix Jr., 1995
- Rombix Rusticana, 1993
- Rory's Story Cubes, 2005-2007
- Roundominoes, diecut, 1982;
acrylic, 1983
- RunnuRound, 2014
- Scoozie*, 1987-2018
- Sextillions, 1984; silver, 2009
- Sextillions Rusticana, 1993
- Shadow Play, 1990
- Shardinaires-9, 2019
- Six Disks, 2003
- Six Disks, teddybears, 2011
- Six-by-Six, 2006
- Snowflake Square, 1997
- Snowflake Super Square, 1985
- Snowflake Super Square Rusticana, 1993
- Solomon's Trinity, 2023
- *Star, 2004
- StarHex-I, 2019
- StarHex-II, 2012
- StarSlide, 2006
- Stelo, 2007
- Super Quintillions, 1982
- Super Deluxe Quintillions, 1989
- Super Roundominoes, 1986
- Super Roundominoes Rusticana, 1993
- Tangled Triangles, 2020
- Tangramion, 2012
- Tetra-Tray, 2022
- Tan Tricks I, 1988
- Tan Tricks II, 1988
- Tan Tricks III, 1990
- Teleporters, 2004
- Ten-Yen, 2003
- Ternion Factor, 2018
- Tetrapentos*, 2006
- Tetra-Tray, 2022
- 37 Squares, 2004-2020
- Throw A Fit, plastic, 1991;
wood, 1995; jumbo, 2005
- Tiny Tans, wood, 1984; acrylic, 1989/2009
- Transpose, wood, 1995;
acrylic, 1996
- Triangoes, 1987
- Triangoes Jr., 1987
- Triangule-8, 1993
- Tri-Chex, 2022
- Trifolia, 1990
- Trifolia Rusticana, 1993
- Tri-Jazz, 1999
- Trio-in-a-Tray, 2014
- Tulips, 2008
- Twenty-Tans, 2019
- Vee-21, 2003
- Void,wood, 1982; vinyl, 1987/2009
- Warp-30, 1988-2018
- WhirlSpools, 2006