Our industry salute, 2018 — to Smart Games NV


In 2005, Kadon created a special industry award—the Gamepuzzles Originality, Perseverance and Leadership Salute—to be presented to another game company on a notable occasion, in recognition of extraordinary merit. The first such award went to ThinkFun, Inc., on the occasion of their 20th anniversary in 2005.

We were proud to present, in 2018, the GOPALS award once again to the most deserving company, Smart Games, for their 25 years of outstanding work in producing and marketing consistently excellent and mind-challenging games and puzzles and toys. Their products have won many awards. We are herewith honoring the company and its dedicated manager, Rolf Vandoren. Their special award embeds polyomino letters in their custom plaque to spell "Smart Games" that can also form a square.

The formal plaque with inset "letters" (above), and the letters forming a square (below).

An accompanying certificate paid tribute to their superb shape-shifting pentomino puzzle, Penguins on Ice, and its designer, Raf Peeters. We salute them!


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