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Jacques Ferroul's TetrapentosTM


This puzzle by Jacques Ferroul is laser-cut from transparent acrylic. The Lucite cut edges glow and make it easy to see the divisions between the individual pieces.

The two colors differentiate the pieces by size. They are the shapes of four and five equilateral triangles joined, also known to mathematicians as tetriamonds and pentiamonds. ("Tetrapentos" comes from the Greek words for fours and fives.) See larger sets of polyiamonds in Kadon's Mini-Iamond Ring and Iamond Ring.

Jacques' neat design of the symmetrical hexagon pattern in the 4" round tray has 5 extra unit triangles (black acrylic) that allow tiling of the most interesting designs. Start by placing the 5 triangles in a nice symmetrical array and then see if you can complete filling the circle with the rest of the pieces.

Outside the tray you can form an even larger number of beautiful shapes. See a fantastic collection of 249 silhouette figures starting here on Jacques' website, along with detailed descriptions and explanations in French with English translation.

Great fun for ages 6 to adult. Our hands-on set,     $25

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Also available as pocket edition in pouch:

Pocket TetrapentosTM

The same 7 pieces — all the shapes of 4 and 5 equilateral triangles joined — in silhouette black, with a nice repertoire of Jacques' shapes to solve. Below are a few samples from the instruction leaflet. In drawstring pouch,     $12     (Shipping discount)

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See also Jacques Ferroul's Poly-SpidronsTM, SteloTM, La Ora SteloTM, The CrabTM

Product Index Essential Polyforms Pentagon Universe Jacques Ferroul's page Tilings and Designs

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