Our industry salute, 2005 — to ThinkFun, Inc.


As part of its own 25th celebration in 2005, Kadon created this special industry award — the Gamepuzzles Originality, Perseverance and Leadership Salute — to be presented to another game company on a notable occasion, in recognition of extraordinary merit. We were proud to present the first one to ThinkFun, Inc. (a Binary Arts company), and to its hard-working co-founders, Bill Ritchie and Andrea Barthello, for 20 years (1985-2005) of outstanding work in producing and marketing consistently excellent and mind-challenging games. Their products have won over 200 awards. It's time they themselves were honored. We salute them!

The puzzle stacked on the engraved base is our Perplexing Pyramid, consisting of 20 spheres formed into 6 tricky pieces that assemble only one way to form a tetrahedron. We can just imagine this toy on Bill Ritchie's desk as a reminder of how much perseverance it takes to succeed at the puzzle of business and of life.


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