presented by Kate Jones
to the attendees at Gathering for Gardner 9
March 24-28, 2010 Atlanta, Georgia
The Three-Squared Challenge is made of 9 corner-colored squares. Six tiles have four colors each, in every possible order. The other three tiles have 3 colors each, with duplicate colors on opposite corners (“bow-ties”). The four colors divide into 8, 9, 9 and 10 units, respectively. And further, each color has been assigned one of the four characters: G – 4 – G – 9. Puzzlers are asked to cut out the pieces around the outlines and assemble them to solve several puzzle tasks.
Find 9 straight rows containing "G4G9" in adjacent squares.
Going around corners does not count.
The 9 tiles after cutting them apart.
Use them to solve the 5 puzzles listed.
Tiles can be rotated as needed.
Some goals for the 3x3:
- Arrange the tiles to display 9 groups of G4G9, in that order, in 4 adjacent unit squares in a straight line. Rows can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, up, down, sideways or backwards. Tiles can be rotated as needed. Colors don’t count.
- Match all tiles by color (disregard the printed characters).
- Have no two of the same color touch sides. Vertex contact is OK.
- Create symmetry with one or more colors (all four are possible) while non-matching.
- Maximize color pairs (16 dominoes).