Our industry salute, 2015 — to ThinkFun, Inc.


Photo by Elijah Allen

In 2005, Kadon created a special industry award — the Gamepuzzles Originality, Perseverance and Leadership Salute — to be presented to another game company on a notable occasion, in recognition of extraordinary merit. The first such award went to ThinkFun, Inc., on the occasion of their 20th anniversary in 2005.

We were proud to present, in 2015, the GOPALS award once again to the most deserving company, ThinkFun, Inc. (a Binary Arts company), and to its hard-working co-founders, Bill Ritchie and Andrea Barthello, for their 30 years (1985-2015) of outstanding work in producing and marketing consistently excellent and mind-challenging games. Their products have won hundreds of awards. We are herewith honoring the company and its dedicated principals. This special edition of our Poly-5 puzzle was styled with the number 30 embedded and in a pearlized frame.

An accompanying certificate paid tribute to their mission — "To translate the brilliant ideas of mathematicians, engineers and inventors into simple toys that can be appreciated by boys and girls around the world" — of bringing inspiring products to education and recreation. We salute them!


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