Abstract Strategy Games — Page 5 of  6

  • Available by special order: *Star on deluxe wood board
  • Reviewed in Games, March 2005; Games 100 list, Dec. 2005
  • See the full rulebook
  • See Ea's archived write-up of *Star
  • A game with a fabulous pedigree...
    ...invented by Craige Schensted (Ea Ea)

    Evolved from our Game of Y, the 3-in-1 board design allows for shorter games on two interior smaller regions. Players seek to "own" edge spaces by occupying or surrounding them. Go players will dig the subtlety of achieving this goal. Flat marbles in 2 colors (140 of each) flow like luminous rivers across the board during play. Unique scoring system favors connecting one's stones into as few separate groups as possible, so defense is crucial. The central star is a bridge for both players. Rule book includes other games and solitaires. We gratefully acknowledge superb editing by Irene Schensted. The 17" leather-like vinyl game mat rolls up for storage. For 2 players, ages 10 to adult. $65

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    Guest appearance!
    ...invented by Andy Looney, made by Looney Labs

    Andy has outdone himself again, with this game of "telling tiny stories." The cards provide the four elements of a story:  setting, character, problem, and resolution. The players get to make up a very short, say, 55-word, story incorporating all these elements. Some imagination required, read the instructions. See full rules on their website. The game has 3 stages — collecting the cards for your plot and writing your story; telling your story to an audience (the other players plus anyone else hanging around); and voting for your favorite story. A brilliant concept, a total hoot, and different every time. We figure there are at least 355 ways to mix the plot devices. For 3 to 6 players, ages 10 to adult. $16

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    Nanofictionary is a trademark of Looney Labs

    * Larger image of Game of Solomon
    * Solomon's Trinity (printable)
    ...invented by Martin Gardner; extended by Kate Jones

    We're honored to have an exclusive of this game invented by the beloved author of countless books on recreational mathematics. The handpainted, 15" square fringed game cloth (washable) serves for four games plus a variety of jumping and positional solitaires. The title game lets players invade the opponent's castle, capturing as in checkers. In "Caravan" six camels cross the desert, with strings attached. Two other games are unusual versions of "Nim" and Chinese Checkers. The 18 disks include 6 each of 3 colors. Directions are on a parchment "scroll." For 1 to 3 players, ages 8 to adult. $49

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    Note—BRACE in its first version (see below) was on
    Games Magazine's list of the 100 best games!

    BRACETM —deluxe wood edition
    ... by Alan Kross-Vinson

    Brace's striking board design is dramatically beautiful, a work of art. Its 3 path colors determine how pieces move—any open distance on their own color, one step on non-matching colors. Goal:  move pieces to "brace," or bracket, an opponent piece to gain points. Novel scoring cube tracks your lead: get 3 points ahead, you win. No captures, no removals. Alan's unique system of symmetrical set-up provides a different start position every time. Rules for four other games and some solitaires are included. The large (24") handcrafted gameboard and 18 matching wood disks are laser-engraved and handpainted. A separate printed grid lets you play Nine Men's Morris. In felt slipcase. For 1 and 2 players, ages 10 to adult. $115 (plus $15 oversize shipping surcharge)

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    Larger image of Brace


    BRACE (and Embrace)TM —tapestry edition
    ... by Alan Kross-Vinson
    and Nine Men's Morris (Mühle) ...traditional

    Chosen for "Games 100" list, 1998
    Brace's striking board design has 3 path colors that determine how pieces may move. Goal: move pieces to "brace," or bracket, an opponent piece to gain points. Novel scoring cube tracks your lead: get 3 points ahead, you win. No captures, no removals. Alan's unique system of symmetrical set-up provides a different start position every time. Rules for four other games and some solitaires are included. The large (24") canvas gameboard can hang as a banner, or rolls for storage in long corduroy sleeve. The 18 layered acrylic disks, six each in three colors to match the board, reverse to 9 black and 9 white. For 1 and 2 players, ages 10 to adult.

    On Brace's reverse side, by popular demand, we offer Nine Men's Morris, also known as Mühle...one of the oldest games known. The goal: forming rows of 3 pieces entitles you to remove one opponent piece from the board. Player with fewer than 3 pieces remaining loses. $68

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    Rules of play

    See also a Morris board on canvas, back to back with the game of Brace (above).
    and FOX & GEESE

    ...centuries of tradition

    By popular demand, we produced a handcrafted wood Nine Men's Morris board in a popular 11½" size. The board is laser-engraved with the classic Morris squares, and the handsome Celtic knot border design was programmed by Chuck Coates. This was an instant hit at our Renaissance booth. It's also the first game Kate ever learned as a child in Europe. On the flip side is the traditional Fox and Geese grid that also serves for a jumping solitaire puzzle. Drawstring pouch holds the 36 black and white go stones that look and feel so right with this board. For 1 or 2 players, ages 6 to adult. $65

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    Rules of play


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