Games cover for December 2008 Games Magazine selects:#Dazzleo
Dazzle was chosen by Games as one of the 100 best new games for the year 2009 in the Puzzles category. Here's Robin King's write-up from their December 2008 "Buyer's Guide to Games":
DAZZLE (1 to 7 players)
Designers:  Charles Butler and Kent Forrester

A set of 30 lustrous dodecagons in three colors beckons your ingenuity. Each is divided into six "slices" in which each color occurs in nonadjacent pairs of the same size, the sizes being one slice, double slice, and triple slice. The included Dazzle game uses the tiling in which three dodecagons touch, forming a triangle in their common center. You place a dodecagon so that is touches two others and matches at least one of those along an edge. If the triangle in the middle is surrounded by three edges of all different colors, or all of the same color, you score a "dazzle" and get lots of points. There are other scoring patterns as well.

Solo puzzles abound. In addition to the triangular grid tiling mentioned above, there are square tilings and some hexagonal ones to enhance your solving pleasure. — RHK

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©2008 Kadon Enterprises, Inc.