Vee-21 — alphabet designs


Vee-21 lets you make the neatest designs. Here's a whole alphabet, with variations. Form the letter with the 7 tiles of one color, then figure out where in the tray to position it so you can fit all the rest of the pieces in. Where possible, try to get it centered. If you find other nice letter shapes, send us a picture of it, and we may add it here. The italic N is by Nathan Williams.



Natalie Noble proudly shows the beautiful symmetry pattern she has created with her Vee-21 set. Notice how the purple makes a letter M, and the other two colors are opposite each other. And how cool that it matches the colors of her dress.

Ania and her son, Jony, in Florida are having a ball building colorful solutions of the alphabet with their new Vee-21 set. These arrived in email:

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