Grand constructions with Octiamond Ring |
Congratulations, John. That is a thing of beauty, coaxing all different shapes into exquisite collaboration. And you solve these without a computer, so double wow.
On February 3, 2024, John Greening delighted us with this fancy snowflake solution, continuing the six-fold symmetry theme that the octiamonds naturally embrace. Notice the V in the very center. In June 2024, even more elaborate Octiamond designs arrived from John's inventive labors to enrich our gallery: two triple rings, a sausage, and stubby stars.
A little later in June 2024, three more beauties arrived. The triangle and the lattice had taken John a few days each to solve. The star took him only about 5 hours.
And as dessert for his summer banquet of successes, John Greening sent exquisite stubby Star formations and a six-fold ball:
In mid-July 2024, John's ingenuity turned to pretty spaces and fancy contours, giving us hexagons with holes, and triangles with triangular holes, and a diamond with a center line of hexagons, and what he called a cloverleaf.And all formed with the tricky tiles of all different shapes of 8 triangles joined. One can only marvel at such solving prowess.
Other special features John Greening investigated were symmetrical Octiamond Ring figures that can be formed with either an entire set of the 66 all-different tiles or with 66 copies of only a single shape of tile repeated throughout. Have a look. The single repeating tile shown above each solution could fill the whole pattern.
Then see partnerships of hexiamonds and octiamonds, where the smaller enclosed pieces form precise doubled triamonds or smaller copies of the octiamond figure. See also the "copy-cat" twins. What a delight to know such solutions are even possible!
Here's a pair of handsome Octiamond triangles with three hexiamond hexagons at their center, upside down from each other: An amazing partnership has emerged of the heptiamonds centered in octiamond hexagons. This growing collection has taken John Greening two or more years to build. The central subsets had an independent existence at first. Forming the dramatic duos of the octiamond rings enclosing them was an afterthought.
A whole new symmetrical shape is rotational, like the letters Z and S. The octiamonds form a kind of Z, with the embedded heptiamonds facing left or right to resemble the numbers 2 and 5. and the pair making a 25:
Going one step further, John Greening has combined members of several families into beautiful symmetriesthe tetriamonds through heptiamonds embedded into the Octiamond Ring. John's determination is limitless, as the last two figures, the "dogbone" shapes, failed 82 times by a single piece before he turned up these beauties.
Stretched hexagons with various proportions, even with central riders, make another nice group by John Greening:
We were delighted to receive, on September 18, 2024, a link to a video from John Greening describing his solving process of the 3,334 dodekiamonds, with close-ups of his handcut pieces that cover 26,672 triangles with 6 diamond spaces and 102 single holes, symmetrically distributed in the gigantic hexagon. John's nice voice is amazingly calm, considering the enormously difficult and exciting task he has completed! See and subscribe to his entire YouTube collection
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