MoMath 2021 — math limericks contest

The National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) in New York City celebrates the connections of math to many other fields, including poetry. Their special contest in May 2021 focused on "poetic math" in the form of limericks, humorous verses of five lines each, having something to do with math or mathematicians. The winners included limericks by 23 poets.

Kate offered them six original limericks, the first two of which were among the winners and were read out loud to the audience on Zoom.

There once was a mischievous thinker.
With the Game of Life he would tinker.
It irked John Conway no end
That his fame would depend
On dead or alive or a glider or blinker.

There once was an artist supreme
Whose geometry had a rare scheme:
Tessellations and creatures
And impossible features...
M. C. Escher created an infinite dream.

There once was an author of note.
The hundreds of essays he wrote
All helped celebrate
How math is so great...
On all of those topics Martin Gardner you'll quote.

There once was a famous logician
For whom paradox was an ambition.
For decades he lit mental fires
With tales of truthtellers or liars:
Getting people to think was Raymond Smullyan's great mission.

There once was a radical physicist.
Upon experiments to find truth he'd insist.
You can quote him galore,
He was wise to the core...
Richard Feynman said that, for science, minds must exist.

A fabulous polymath whom we have sighted
Even the Queen of England has knighted.
Of black holes and quantum stuff
Our knowledge is never enough,
While Roger Penrose's kites and darts tiles the whole world delighted.

A fun session followed for kids attending in person, interacting with online visitors. Kate and her group of youngsters, ages 6-10, worked on composing a limerick on the suggested topic of the seasons. They came up with this:

In March we Spring forward the clock,
In Summer we run 'round the block,
In Fall we have Halloween,
In Winter much snow is seen,
All year long the seasons interlock.

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