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Duality and continuum

Existence and consciousness both share a yin yang nature of opposites linked by a continuum. Each extreme both attracts and repels. We see an example of it in America's two-party system.

The two-party system is rooted in the now-forgotten principle of finding the golden mean, the harmonious midpoint, the "fair" balance, the cosmic equilibrium by juxtaposing the two endpoints and reaching the consensus between them where the pulls are equalized. Reasonable people in rational discussions would then find that point where all are served well and none are disenfranchised.

We no longer have reasonable people in rational discussions. We have connivers, equivocators, sophists, lawyers, rationalizers subverting truth, integrity and reason to gain extra loot for their clients while depriving the weaker or less well defended. The Darwinists and Pragmatists may argue that that is as it should be, success to those best equipped to win it. That, of course, sets up another set of polar opposites in an eternal tug-of-war between conflicting interests. And it enables a throw-back to the paternalistic, tribal chief, military leader, emperor, dictator model of government rule.

Perhaps someday humanity will arrive at a level of intelligence and rational ethics where none are victimized, where tyrants are not worshipped, where we don't harbor predators and prey in our society, and where collaboration and value exchange for mutual benefit becomes the dominant philosophy. I fear, however, that the predator meme is so deeply entrenched in our collective consciousness and animal heritage that it will take a rediscovery of Free Will to keep it at bay.


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