Shortcut back to A+D+D+D # Game inventor:# Devin Stewarto
# Devin

Devin is Canadian, having been born in and living in a small town near Vancouver. He has been making games since he was 8. When he came up with the game that became A+D+D+D, he was 14. He loves all sorts of games, his favorites being Risk, Monopoly, and Poker.

Devin's family does enjoy the odd board game, and they like to play crib. Mostly, though, Devin plays with friends or on the computer. His favorite subjects in school are social studies and math.

When he's not in school or playing board games, Devin plays sports; his favorites are hockey and football. Someday he would like to go to a Game design school such as The Vancouver film school.

We look forward to many more ideas coming out of that creative young mind. Keep thinking, Devin!

Update, November 2017...

Devin is finishing up his 4th of 5 years at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada, as a BBA Candidate (Joint Honors Business and Economics; Math Minor). He'll be doing his second summer internship next year, working in finance. See what playing with numbers will do for you?


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