Science Songs and Stories
by Kathy Carroll

We first met Kathy in the fall of 1999 at a conference on accelerated learning, creativity and problem-solving, and were instantly taken by her captivating ways of helping individuals reach into their own creative depths. An even greater pleasure was discovering her original music to teach about science concepts. We are proud to be able to offer her work here. Order the CD and its accompanying book for a child in your life. The grown-ups will find much enjoyment from them as well.

Science Songs and Stories ... for the Big Questions is a delightful collection of 10 songs and 6 stories that help young people from early childhood through middle school age have fun learning about some important ideas in science.

Learning this way is enjoyable and effortless, since it is compatible with the way the brain works naturally. For thousands of years before writing was introduced, people passed on their culture's knowledge through songs, chants and stories. They are some of the most powerful tools for learning. You yourself may have learned the alphabet with a song, remember?.

Children of all ages easily soak up new vocabulary and concepts, and remember them for life. Even if the child is very young, years later when introduced to sound, or monarch butterflies, or the scientific method, the child will be able to say, "I know something about that!" With this CD, children will learn the answers to these and many other questions such as:
  • How do we hear?
  • How can you do an experiment?
  • What makes the lights go on?
  • How do plants grow?
  • Why is a butterfly a miracle of nature?
  • What is the secret of energy on our planet?
In addition to learning science, children develop reading skills or learn English by reading along with the CD. The book that accompanies the CD includes pages of sheet music so that students who are learning musical instruments can play the songs themselves. The catchy tunes and clever words are fun and lively—great for singing along while traveling, too.

The book also contains valuable references to websites and resources where young people can learn more about those "big questions."

The CD and its companion book are $35 per set. You can order them right here. Just click on the "Order" button.

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