Kadon Enterprises, Inc., welcomes you to our online gallery of 273 games
and puzzles you can see and purchase here. Enchanting playthings in lasercut
acrylic and handcrafted wood, for minds of all ages. The pleasures last a lifetime. Great for schools and homeschoolers, too. So beautiful, they're art.
- Click the gamepuzzles title above for a quick introduction.
- For a surprising animation, click on our yellow W logo above.
- Click Gallery Showroom to visit sections in any order.
- Click Grand Tour for full circuit of all sections, using NEXT buttons.
- Drag bottom scrollbar to right to view our Great Array.
- Then find the teddybear with a secret message! >>>


A sampling of our gamepuzzles. Please visit the individual showrooms to see them all. Click thumbnails for larger views. Scroll down for more... (not shown to scale)
